- Allergy & Autoimmunity
- Anatomical Pathology
- Biochemistry
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology
- Flow Cytometry
- General Laboratory
- Haematology & Blood Bank
- Infectious Disease
- Molecular
- Quality Control
- All
Allergy & Autoimmunity

Demeditec Diagnostics
Demeditec Diagnostics supplies an extensive product panel of ELISA and RIA kits for human and veterinary diagnostics. Key products include their salivary diagnostics range, as well as kits for applications such as infectious diseases, autoimmunity, biogenic amines, and tumour markers.
Generic Assays
Generic Assays focuses primarily on products for the differential diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, such as ELISA and LINE/Dot and Latex. One of their key assays is an anti-ganglioside Dot for the diagnosis of polyneuropathy that won a technology transfer prize from the Land Brandenburg in 2015.
HTZ manufactures automated systems for the processing of IFA slides for the detection and monitoring of autoimmune disease.
IBL International
IBL International have 30 years’ experience supplying enzyme, radio, and luminescence immunoassays and antibodies for research and routine diagnosis.
Immuno Concepts
Immuno Concepts is an internationally recognised manufacturer of diagnostic products for systemic rheumatic disorders and are considered leaders in ANA testing with the unique HEp-2000® ANA substrate. The Image Navigator® is an automated microscope for reading IIF slides which improves workplace efficiency and the training of staff.
Scimedx Corporation
Scimedx is high-quality manufacturer of the MeDiCa tissue slides and components for screening of various autoimmune disorders by IIF. Products include a range of double and triple substrate mouse, rat or primate slides for detection of autoantibodies in autoimmune liver disease, gastritis or coeliac disease.
Phadia Laboratory Systems (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Thermo Fisher Scientific ImmunoDiagnostics (previously known as Phadia) is the global leader in allergy and autoimmunity diagnostics, offering instrument systems and reagents to support the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of allergy, asthma and autoimmune diseases commonly recognised as the gold standard.
RSR is a major developer and producer of medical diagnostic kits with particular emphasis on autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, neuroimmunology and adrenal autoimmunity.
Tecan is a leading global provider of automated laboratory instruments and solutions. Tecan are the OEM provider of the DSR automated liquid handling platform for setup of IF assay and ELISA.
Theradiag is a pioneer and global leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative in-vitro diagnostic products for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM). Theradiag offer the most comprehensive range of tests for monitoring the monoclonal antibodies used in the treatment of auto-immune and inflammatory bowel disease with the new fully automated i-Tracker system, and LISA TRACKER.
Anatomical Pathology
Biocartis provides fully integrated and broadly applicable molecular diagnostics. The Idylla is Biocartis’ fully automated, real-time PCR-based molecular diagnostics system which provides fast access to highly reliable clinical molecular diagnostic information. The Idylla can detect BRAF V600E, E2, D, K, R and M mutations within 90 minutes.
B/R Instrument Corporation
B/R Instrument Corporation specialises in laboratory distillation equipment. Common uses of its distillation systems include solvent recycling, solvent purification, and many other applications of high efficiency fractional distillation. Solvent recyclers are used in histology labs to recycle xylene, alcohol, formalin and xylene substitutes.
Cell Marque
Cell Marque produces antibodies for diagnostic immunohistochemistry (IHC). Cell Marque’s focus is providing quality and innovative antibodies for in vitro diagnostic use to further serve the clinical market.
FA-Tech Diagnostics
The FA-Tech Pulsar, NOVA and VEGA are the latest innovations in permanent marking on tissue cassettes. The system can be easily integrated next to the grossing station for printing on demand or can be used as a batch printer for high volume laboratories.
HistoCyte Labroatories Ltd manufacture a range of cell line controls for same slide use in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH).
Klinipath supply a product-range specific for histological, clinical chemistry, and cytological laboratories.
Milestone is a leading provider of innovative histology solutions in six different fields: Frozen Section, Cytology, Sample Handling, Tissue Processing, Macro Digital and Reagents. All products aim to help patients and to create a better laboratory environment for the medical staff of both the anatomical pathology and surgical rooms.
Vector Laboratories
Vector Laboratories, part of Maravai LifeSciences, is a global market leader in labeling and detection reagents for immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, glycobiology and bioconjugation. Founded in 1976, its catalog of over 600 time-tested reagents and kits are used by disease and therapeutics researchers around the world and have been cited in over 350,000 peer reviewed scientific publications.
ZytoVision develop and produce innovative in vitro diagnostic products, primarily for tumour diagnosis, based on the technique of in situ hybridization using FISH and CISH techniques.
Immunodiagnostic Systems (IDS)
Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings (IDS) is a leading in vitro diagnostic solution provider to the clinical laboratory market. IDS develop, manufacture, and market innovative immunoassays and automated immunoanalyser technologies to provide improved diagnostic outcomes for patients. Their immunoassay portfolio is a combination of an endocrinology specialty testing menu and assay panels in complementary fields.
Aidian (formerly Orion Diagnostica)
Aidian (formerly Orion Diagnostica) builds well-being by specialising in accurate and affordable clinical diagnostic and hygiene monitoring tests, which are easy to use and provide fast results. The range includes the point-of-care QuikRead go instrument that provides rapid results for CRP, CRP+Hb, iFOBT and Strep A as well as the newly released HbA1c assay.
RNA Medical
RNA Medical is a developer and supplier of innovative products for the hospital, point of care and physician’s office markets.
Schebo BioTech AG
Schebo Biotech provide assays for Pancreatic Elastase 1 (PE1) and Tumor M2-PK colorectal cancer screening.
Sebia is the world leader in protein separation through innovative electrophoresis systems designed to address the needs of clinical diagnostic laboratories in various segments. Sebia provide instruments and reagents for agarose gel electrophoresis, a well-established and robust protein separation technology and the most used capillary electrophoresis technique worldwide with fully automated protein separation at high resolution and reproducibility.
LGC Life Sciences
LGC’s ACCURUN™ infectious disease controls mimic low positive human samples. LGC controls, qualification panels and characterized disease state materials provide solutions for method validation, monitoring, training, troubleshooting and meeting regulatory requirements.
SERO provide third-party controls fully independent of any specific reagent or instrument. Concentrations and levels are carefully selected to contribute to improved clinical decision making. The product range includes controls for Chemistry, Immunoassay and Trace Elements.
BJP concentrators offer fast and convenient means to concentrate multiple clinical or research samples for analysis by electrophoresis or immunofixation.
BJP concentrators use absorbent pads mounted behind the ultrafiltration membranes to remove solvents and small molecules.
The retained proteins are concentrated in the bottom of the sealed sample chamber without the need for any additional equipment.
Critical Care
Werfen’s easy-to-use whole blood gas testing technology lets you perform time-sensitive diagnostic tests efficiently and accurately, in the central laboratory or at the point of care. Self-contained, multi-use testing cartridges and iQM®, Werfen’s proprietary Intelligent Quality Management system, automates quality control to assure reliable results with no maintenance. Werfen’s GEM® instrument family measures pH, blood gases, CO-Oximetry, electrolytes, metabolites and more, and can provide a comprehensive analysis on a single sample of whole blood. Abacus dx distributes Werfen’s critical care products in New Zealand only.
Aidian (formerly Orion Diagnostica)
Aidian (formerly Orion Diagnostica) builds well-being by specialising in accurate and affordable clinical diagnostic and hygiene monitoring tests, which are easy to use and provide fast results. The range includes the point-of-care QuikRead go instrument that provides rapid results for CRP, CRP+Hb, iFOBT and Strep A as well as the newly released HbA1c assay.
RNA Medical
RNA Medical is a developer and supplier of innovative products for the hospital, point of care and physician’s office markets.
SD Biosensor
SD Biosensor is a global leader for in-vitro diagnostics, contributing to the research and development of quick and accurate immunodiagnostics, molecular diagnostics and blood glucose monitoring systems.

Demeditec Diagnostics
Demeditec Diagnostics supplies an extensive product panel of ELISA and RIA kits for human and veterinary diagnostics. Key products include their salivary diagnostics range, as well as kits for applications such as infectious diseases, autoimmunity, biogenic amines, and tumour markers.
IBL International
IBL International have 30 years’ experience supplying enzyme, radio, and luminescence immunoassays and antibodies for research and routine diagnosis.
Immunodiagnostic Systems (IDS)
Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings (IDS) is a leading in vitro diagnostic solution provider to the clinical laboratory market. IDS develop, manufacture, and market innovative immunoassays and automated immunoanalyser technologies to provide improved diagnostic outcomes for patients. Their immunoassay portfolio is a combination of an endocrinology specialty testing menu and assay panels in complementary fields.
SERO provide third-party controls fully independent of any specific reagent or instrument. Concentrations and levels are carefully selected to contribute to improved clinical decision making. The product range includes controls for Chemistry, Immunoassay and Trace Elements.
Flow Cytometry
Immunostep is a leading supplier of innovative flow cytometry products for clinical and research laboratories. Manufactured in Spain, products include a full range of exosome and apoptosis kits and reagents, along with Novel COVID-19 Multiplex Assays.
IQ Products
IQ Products are a leading developer, manufacturer and international supplier of antibody based diagnostic flow cytometry products. Manufactured in The Netherlands, their high-quality products include a full range of FMH diagnostics, including QuikQuant Fetal Cell Count Kit, Anti-D and Anti-HbF.
General Laboratory
B/R Instrument Corporation
B/R Instrument Corporation specialises in laboratory distillation equipment. Common uses of its distillation systems include solvent recycling, solvent purification, and many other applications of high efficiency fractional distillation. Solvent recyclers are used in histology labs to recycle xylene, alcohol, formalin and xylene substitutes.
Origen Biomedical
OriGen Biomedical manufacture an innovative range of speciality bags and reagents for cell culture and cryopreservation including CAR-T therapy.
Haematology & Blood Bank
5-Diagnostics delivers innovative, ready to use assays and biochemicals to the haemostasis research and diagnostic market. Products include bioreagents for research and quality control of pharmaceuticals, fibrin formation and thrombin generation and reagents useful in the manufacture of IVDs.
Access Bio
Access Bio is a leading supplier of Malaria RDT kits that detect all Plasmodia species. Manufactured in the U.S, Access Bio is dedicated to the prevention and early diagnosis of infectious diseases and work with partners across the world, including the W.H.O and UNICEF.
Australian Biostain
Australian Biostain offers Kleihauer kits as well as a broad range of standardised stains, reagents, fixatives, buffers, and ancillary products. Manufactured in Australia, Australian Biostain products are designed to enhance efficiency and consistency in working laboratories.
BioTechne (R&D Systems)
Manufactured in the U.S, products include FetalTrol red cell controls for FMH tests and MalariaTrol red cell controls for Malaria RDTs.
CHROMOGENIX offers Haemostasis and fibrinolytic testing solutions based on chromogenic substrates for use in hospitals, clinical laboratories, blood banks and pharmaceutical testing. The CHROMOGENIX product portfolio features over 30 products, including individual chromogenic substrates as well as complete kits with all reagents needed to perform specific analysis on automated instruments. Abacus dx distributes Chromogenix products in New Zealand only.
iLAB alphaTHAL
I-Lab’s alphaTHAL test is the world’s first ICT test for rapid screening for Alpha Thalassaemia Syndromes. Manufactured in Thailand, I-Lab’s offer a range of rapid diagnostic tests.
Invivoscribe provides a comprehensive selection of PCR-based gene rearrangement, chromosome translocation, and gene mutation Research Use Only testing reagents and controls. They also provide CE-marked in vitro diagnostic products that are used to identify, classify and monitor leukemias, lymphomas and other lymphoproliferative diseases.
OnPoint is a manufacturer of worldwide leading blood bag indicator technology including indicator labels for blood irradiation and red cell blood bag temperature monitoring.
Origen Biomedical
OriGen Biomedical manufacture an innovative range of speciality bags and reagents for cell culture and cryopreservation including CAR-T therapy.
DSM develops and manufactures reagents and test systems for coagulation and fibrinolysis diagnostics. Key products include their APC-R kit and controls. Manufactured in Switzerland.
SD Biosensor
SD Biosensor is a global leader for in-vitro diagnostics, contributing to the research and development of quick and accurate immunodiagnostics, molecular diagnostics and blood glucose monitoring systems.
Infectious Disease
Biokit manufacture tests kits for infectious disease diagnosis. Abacus dx distributes Biokit products in New Zealand only.
CerTest Biotec
As an independent biotech company, CerTest lead the clinical diagnostic sector for rapid tests for the detection of viruses, bacteria and parasites. CerTest also offer the VIASURE product range that contains a wide range of products for Real Time PCR that identify the causal pathogens of the infectious diseases.

Demeditec Diagnostics
Demeditec Diagnostics supplies an extensive product panel of ELISA and RIA kits for human and veterinary diagnostics. Key products include their salivary diagnostics range, as well as kits for applications such as infectious diseases, autoimmunity, biogenic amines, and tumour markers.
Dynex Technologies
Dynex Technologies is a leading designer and manufacturer of fully-automated ELISA microplate workstations, laboratory instruments and associated consumables and accessories, seamlessly integrating advanced detection with fully-automated sample handling.
IBL International
IBL International have 30 years’ experience supplying enzyme, radio, and luminescence immunoassays and antibodies for research and routine diagnosis.
SeptiCyte® RAPID revolutionizes sepsis diagnosis and treatment, with actionable results available in an hour. SeptiCyte®RAPID can determine the likelihood of sepsis and differentiate from non-infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in critically ill patients. The test, which uses a small volume of blood, can be performed easily in any hospital lab with the Biocartis Idylla™ molecular testing system. SeptiCyte®RAPID is available for IVD use in New Zealand and RUO in Australia.
IMMY’s product line is made up of several diagnostic platforms that detect antibodies and antigens for various fungal organisms. Their Cryptoccocal antigen Lateral Flow Assay is the only one of its kind on the market. Redefine ARB Processing with IMMY Myco DDR™ – Digestion/Decontamination Reagents for the recovery of Mycobacterium.
Quantimetrix designs, develops, and manufactures laboratory quality products in California, USA. They are leaders in the field of liquid-stable quality control products. They offer a wide range of urinalysis controls such as the Dipper and Dropper both urinalysis dipstick controls. Dip&spin which is a dipstick and microscopics control, and Chromascopics urinalysis control with microscopics is designed specifically for the Siemens Atellica 800 & Atellica 1500 automated urinalysis platforms.
Savyon Diagnostics Ltd
Savyon Diagnostics develops, manufactures and markets high quality diagnostic kits and systems for the detection of infectious diseases and genetic screening for more than 30 years.
LGC Life Sciences
LGC’s ACCURUN™ infectious disease controls mimic low positive human samples. LGC controls, qualification panels and characterized disease state materials provide solutions for method validation, monitoring, training, troubleshooting and meeting regulatory requirements.
T2 Biosystems
T2 Biosystems is focused on addressing critical unmet needs in healthcare starting with sepsis, one of the deadliest and most expensive conditions in hospitals today.
Vircell is a biotechnology company specialised in the development and production of ready to use reagents for human infectious diseases. Vircell offers a wide range of references for the detection of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi by ELISA, chemiluminescence, direct and indirect immunofluorescence, immunocapture agglutination, cell culture and molecular biology (oligochromatography and PCR controls).
Asuragen’s molecular assays are designed to provide streamlined workflow and ease of use and is comprised of two product portfolios; Genetics and Oncology. The genetics portfolio includes assays aiding in the detection of the FMR1 and C9orf72 gene, while the Oncology assays use molecular methods ranging from qPCR to NGS to assist our understanding of cancer.
Biocartis provides fully integrated and broadly applicable molecular diagnostics. The Idylla is Biocartis’ fully automated, real-time PCR-based molecular diagnostics system which provides fast access to highly reliable clinical molecular diagnostic information. The Idylla can detect BRAF V600E, E2, D, K, R and M mutations within 90 minutes.
Devyser are specialists when it comes to complex DNA testing within hereditary diseases and oncology with products used to guide targeted cancer therapies and enable rapid prenatal diagnostics. Included in their portfolio is the BRCA NGS kit for detection of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in germline and somatic samples as well as the Fetal RHD kit used to determine fetal RHD status from maternal plasma.
SeptiCyte® RAPID revolutionizes sepsis diagnosis and treatment, with actionable results available in an hour. SeptiCyte®RAPID can determine the likelihood of sepsis and differentiate from non-infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in critically ill patients. The test, which uses a small volume of blood, can be performed easily in any hospital lab with the Biocartis Idylla™ molecular testing system. SeptiCyte®RAPID is available for IVD use in New Zealand and RUO in Australia.
T2 Biosystems
T2 Biosystems is focused on addressing critical unmet needs in healthcare starting with sepsis, one of the deadliest and most expensive conditions in hospitals today.
Quality Control
Quantimetrix designs, develops, and manufactures laboratory quality products in California, USA. They are leaders in the field of liquid-stable quality control products. They offer a wide range of urinalysis controls such as the Dipper and Dropper both urinalysis dipstick controls. Dip&spin which is a dipstick and microscopics control, and Chromascopics urinalysis control with microscopics is designed specifically for the Siemens Atellica 800 & Atellica 1500 automated urinalysis platforms.
RNA Medical
RNA Medical is a developer and supplier of innovative products for the hospital, point of care and physician’s office markets.
LGC Life Sciences
LGC’s ACCURUN™ infectious disease controls mimic low positive human samples. LGC controls, qualification panels and characterized disease state materials provide solutions for method validation, monitoring, training, troubleshooting and meeting regulatory requirements.
SERO provide third-party controls fully independent of any specific reagent or instrument. Concentrations and levels are carefully selected to contribute to improved clinical decision making. The product range includes controls for Chemistry, Immunoassay and Trace Elements.
Streck develops and delivers quality control and diagnostic products in haematology, immunology, molecular diagnostics, chemistry and urinalysis for clinical and research laboratories. Streck were the first to develop the Cell-Free DNA BCT; a blood collection tube designed to preserve CTCs and cfDNA.
Vircell is a biotechnology company specialised in the development and production of ready to use reagents for human infectious diseases. Vircell offers a wide range of references for the detection of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi by ELISA, chemiluminescence, direct and indirect immunofluorescence, immunocapture agglutination, cell culture and molecular biology (oligochromatography and PCR controls).